In diesem Abschnitt der Online-(MOOC)-Plattform finden Sie eine Liste von Bildungsressourcen und bewährten Verfahren, die Informationen über nationale Unterstützungen und Ressourcen im Zusammenhang mit Diversity Management in jedem der vorgestellten europäischen Länder bieten.
Klicken Sie auf die unten stehende Flagge, um die bewährten Verfahren des jeweiligen Landes zu sehen.
We are a large team of pentesters and we know how to cash out your company's DATA. Yours 80% from
WeiterlesenIn January 2023, the HSE launched a new learning hub to provide managers and staff with information and resources on
WeiterlesenThe NYCI is a representative body working to empower and support Ireland's youth. NYCI engages in advocacy, policy development and
WeiterlesenSICAP has resources and guides on social inclusion and community development, which includes materials on diversity management.
WeiterlesenThey have a team of highly-trained and experienced Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) consultants who have worked across a broad
WeiterlesenThe MCRI provides training initiatives and oers related to migrant rights, diversity, and equality. Their vision is for an open,
WeiterlesenThis is a reputable organization known for its expertise in providing professional development and training solutions. Specializing in diverse areas
WeiterlesenICCL is a membership organization and are fully independent of government. They are dedicated to promoting and defending human rights
WeiterlesenCan I ask a quick question about your site? RoOretty
WeiterlesenThe IRC like the ICCL is a non-governmental organization based in Ireland. It focuses on advocating for the rights and
Weiterlesen"I adore spontaneous decisions — join me at ?"
WeiterlesenEquality at work is essential to the effectiveness and productivity of an organisation. This may sound like a given, but
WeiterlesenSICAP has resources and guides on social inclusion and community development, which includes materials on diversity management.
WeiterlesenThey have a team of highly-trained and experienced Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) consultants who have worked across a broad
WeiterlesenThis training is aimed at employers and organizations wanting to promote a positive working environment by developing a tailored diversity
WeiterlesenThis is a reputable organization known for its expertise in providing professional development and training solutions. Specializing in diverse areas
WeiterlesenThe HEA National Professional Development Framework for all staff categories on equality, diversity, and inclusion in higher education have resources
WeiterlesenTogether for Gender Parity Organization actively recruits with the principles of DEI and has established networks as well as a
Weiterlesencolourful perspectives You are now in a space that is as colourful as our perspectives.Diversity and community are the pillars
WeiterlesenNetworking platform and strategy exchange This 'Employee Resource Group' aims to facilitate skillful integration of LGBTQIA+ community into the workplace,
WeiterlesenThe strategy of promoting diversity in the Austrian Trade Union Confederation (ÖGB) is crucial to ensure that all members have
WeiterlesenStrategy -> Equality and diversity of our employees is important to us. An important objective of the equal opportunities and
WeiterlesenEqual opportunities measures Implement measures to promote gender equality, such as equal pay for equal work and programmes to support
WeiterlesenDiversity Charter Together for a colourful future!The Diversity Charter is an initiative to promote respect for all members of society
WeiterlesenDiversity Charta The organization has set structural policies in place: equality policies and facilitators as well as specific internal guidelines.
WeiterlesenStrategy 2023 Gender and diversity-ledWe are committed to the principles of equal treatment and diversity. We categorically exclude any form
WeiterlesenTraining and skills acquisition for individual with special needs The objective is to provide training for individuals with special needs
WeiterlesenDiversity management - diversity as an advantage Diversity is one of the most important principles in nature. Our society is
WeiterlesenLGBTQI+ Awareness for lawyers This best practice involves conducting workshops spanning six days with the aim of raising awareness among
WeiterlesenInclusive cinema series: Promoting diversity and inclusion at El Corte Inglés El Corte Inglés, Grandes Armazéns, SA, has implemented a
WeiterlesenInclusive leadership programme at EDP: Building resilient and inclusive teams EDP designed an inclusive leadership programme, initiated in partnership with
WeiterlesenCritical software Critical software has launched a Neurodiversity Programme, going beyond typical talent recruitment initiatives to foster inclusivity. By opening
WeiterlesenSONAE MC formalises strategy for D&I In 2020, Sonae MC, the retail giant, formalised its diversity and inclusion strategy with
WeiterlesenFostering accessibility and empowering lives through Altice's inclusive program Altice, a prominent telecommunications company, has launched the transformative “Programa Inclui”
WeiterlesenPrisoner rehabilitation through coffee machine repair workshop The insertion of prisoners is a critical aspect of rehabilitation, and a best
WeiterlesenCritical software The Portuguese Association for Diversity and Inclusion (APPDI) has pioneered a Diversity seal, hosting an annual competition to
WeiterlesenDiversity Promotion and Dialogue at IEFP - Institute of Employment and Vocational Training The Institute of Employment and Vocational Training
WeiterlesenGrupo Portugália Restauração invests on inclusive and local recruiting Over the last three years, Grupo Portugália Restauração has actively championed
WeiterlesenEchtes Diversitäts-Marketing lohnt sich, Social Washing nicht The newspaper article details the results of a current study on diverstiy marketing
WeiterlesenDiversity Spotlights - Podcast The podcast "Diversity Spotlights" focuses on different aspects such as gender, sexual identity/orientation, culure worldview and
WeiterlesenFaktor Vielfalt – Die Rolle kultureller Vielfalt für Innovationen in Deutschland The study is one of only a few empirical
Weiterlesen16 Best Practices zeigen, wie Diversity gelingt The article details the current study on diversity and specifically highlights the difference
WeiterlesenGerman Diversity Index 2022: Diversitätsengagement des DAX 40 The dossier collects many different resources about diversity in Germany within the
WeiterlesenGerman Diversity Index 2022: Diversitätsengagement des DAX 40 The article describes the result of the 2022 Diversity Monitor in Germany
WeiterlesenEinheitlichen Ansprechstellen für Arbeitgeber The central contact point for employers offers support to hire people with dissabilities. The reasons to
WeiterlesenGerman Diversity Index 2022: Diversitätsengagement des DAX 40 The introduction and collection of statistics enlightens the status quo of diversity
WeiterlesenHR Unconcious Bias - Wie fair ist Recruiting wirklich? The podcast explains unconscious bias in the context of HR and
WeiterlesenDiversity Management: So setzen Sie es erfolgreich um The article explains how diversity can be executed successfully in the business
WeiterlesenAssociation APELS APELS is a national association for inclusion through sport, aimed at young people with little or no qualifications.
WeiterlesenAssociation #JamaisSansElles With the #JamaisSansElles association: the signing on March 8, 2021 of the association's charter and a partnership agreement
Weiterlesen"Proximity" association With the association "Proxité": this association helps young people (teenagers and young adults) to succeed in school and
Weiterlesen« Arborus » association with the "Arborus" association: the "Short Ladder" operation aims to promote access to jobs with responsibilities
WeiterlesenNational Diversity Label National Diversity Label: Jointly piloted by the Ministries of Labour and the Civil Service, the diversity label,
WeiterlesenDiversity Tree The social ministries are committed to respecting the 25 criteria of diversity, such as origin, sex, family status,
WeiterlesenAssociation for Access to Arts and Culture for Young People from Modest Backgrounds The aim of these programmes is to
Weiterlesen"L'Autre Cercle" Association The inclusion of LGBT+ people at work: L'Autre Cercle supports those involved in diversity and inclusion management
WeiterlesenDiversity: La Cordée advocates for mentorship in the public service Create a right to mentorship; develop "talent prepas"; revise the
WeiterlesenAFMD - French Association of Diversity Managers The AFMD is a non-profit organisation founded in 2007 by managers who are
WeiterlesenLearnGen: Intergenerational Mentoring and Learning in the Workplace LearnGen’s focus is to combat segregation, discrimination, and social exclusion of marginalized
WeiterlesenPwC's Values and Strategies for Diversity & Inclusion I&D is embedded in PWC's DNA. As a purpose-led and values-driven organisation,
WeiterlesenDeveloping Equality Allies: An Innovative Workplace Inclusion Programme Developing Equality Allies is an innovative workplace inclusion programme that aims to
WeiterlesenDiversity, Equality and Inclusivity Office The University of Cyprus established the Office for Diversity, Equality and Inclusivity (DEI Office), showing
WeiterlesenUNIC-Centre of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion The Centre of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (CEDI) is a multidisciplinary research and policy
WeiterlesenThe Grant Thornton - Experience Diversity and Inclusion Grant Thornton Cyprus are intentional about creating an inclusive environment where each
WeiterlesenMinistry of Labour and Social Insurance/Department of Labour Relations. National Certification Body for the Implementation of Good Practices on Gender
WeiterlesenHelp Refugees Work-THE EMPLOYABILITY OF REFUGEES IN CYPRUS- A skills profiling report This report aims to highlight key areas of
WeiterlesenEmployers/Businesses/ Unemployed/Disabled Incentives to employ people with disabilities. The Scheme aspires to encourage employers to hire people with disabilities and
WeiterlesenGuides and trainings on gender equality issues Diotima is a women’s non-profit organisation specialising in gender and equality issues, with
WeiterlesenDiversity Charter Network of companies and organizations Diversity Charter is an initiative for diversity in the workplace, signed by companies
WeiterlesenDiversity 2.0-An Employers’ Guide The Diversity 2.0- An Employer's Guide, apart from presenting the tangible benefits of diversity, also suggests
WeiterlesenWomen On Top WoT is an organisation for women's professional and economic empowerment and equality at work. It provides resources,
WeiterlesenJobsLink portal in website of Greek Association of Asperger JobsLink platfrom linking employees with Asperger with employers and mentors, supporting
WeiterlesenProgram "Facilitating access to work for Vulnerable Populations in Athens" The program aims to support refugees and asylum seekers in
WeiterlesenSolidarity centers and open resources for vulnerable groups SolidarityNow (SN) is a Greek non-profit, humanitarian organization, which responds to the
WeiterlesenArticles and event announcements on HR Professional digital platform A digital magazine on Human Resources, dealing with many issues, such
Weiterlesen"Neurodiversity Champions" Program by EY Greece- Best Practice A best practice for inclusion of neurodiverse employess in the workplace, is
WeiterlesenToolkit with publications for refugee and migrant issues A toolkit with publications, such as guides, studies, reports and information material
WeiterlesenCroatian Chamber of Economy (HGK) HGK offers publications or resources on diversity management, workforce development, and best practices for businesses
WeiterlesenCroatian Employers' Association (HUP) HUP offers resources, guidelines, or reports related to diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
WeiterlesenCentre for Peace Studies CMS offers materials related to diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunities, as these topics often align with
WeiterlesenMinistry of Labour, Pension System, Family, and Social Policy MROSP offers government publications or guidelines promoting diversity and inclusion in
WeiterlesenGONG GONG offers government publications or guidelines promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
WeiterlesenEquality Body Croatia Equality Body Croatia offers information and resources related to equality, non-discrimination, and diversity.
WeiterlesenHuman Rights House Zagreb HRH Zagreb might provide information on human rights, equality, and diversity management.
WeiterlesenCroatian Institute for Corporate Social Responsibility (HRKOR) HRKOR offers resources related to corporate social responsibility, which often includes diversity and
WeiterlesenCroatian Institute for Human Resources Management (IPM) IPM might provide insights into human resources practices, including diversity management.
WeiterlesenThe Diversity Charter Croatia The Diversity Charter Croatia offers tools and guidelines which is focused on promoting diversity and inclusion
WeiterlesenVon der Europäischen Union finanziert. Die geäußerten Ansichten und Meinungen entsprechen jedoch ausschließlich denen des Autors bzw. der Autoren und spiegeln nicht zwingend die der Europäischen Union oder der Europäischen Exekutivagentur für Bildung und Kultur (EACEA) wider. Weder die Europäische Union noch die EACEA können dafür verantwortlich gemacht werden.
Projektnummer : 2022-1-AT01-KA220-VET-