Diversity Spotlights – Podcast

Diversity Spotlights – Podcast The podcast “Diversity Spotlights” focuses on different aspects such as gender, sexual identity/orientation, culure worldview and religion, social heritage, health/sickness, age and appearance. In this context, it also talks about the priviliges and position and their unequal distribution as well as exclusion mechanisms, discrimminatio and unequal participation in chances. https://www.uni-heidelberg.de/gleichstellungsbeauftragte/diversity_podcast.html

Faktor Vielfalt – Die Rolle kultureller Vielfalt für Innovationen in Deutschland

Faktor Vielfalt – Die Rolle kultureller Vielfalt für Innovationen in Deutschland The study is one of only a few empirical studies for Germany about the influence of cultural diversity on innovation potential of comapnies and regions. The results show that the influence of cultural diversity might be bigger than those of age and gender. The […]

16 Best Practices zeigen, wie Diversity gelingt

16 Best Practices zeigen, wie Diversity gelingt The article details the current study on diversity and specifically highlights the difference between words and actions. To bring more companies into action, it lists 16 examples and best practices on how diversity can be sustainably integrated into the business. https://www.charta-der-vielfalt.de/presse/pressemitteilungen/detail/16-best-practices-zeigen-wie-diversity-gelingt/

DOSSIER. Diversity und Gender Mainstreaming. Für eine vielfältige Gesellschaft

German Diversity Index 2022: Diversitätsengagement des DAX 40 The dossier collects many different resources about diversity in Germany within the busines context. It starts with simple explanations and videos and then explains the legal regulations, the categories of diversity, diversity in language and in the working world. It also sheds a light on diversity in […]

German Diversity Index 2022: Diversitätsengagement des DAX 40

German Diversity Index 2022: Diversitätsengagement des DAX 40 The article describes the result of the 2022 Diversity Monitor in Germany that analayses the diversity on the board of directors and assesses the commitment to diversity of the DAX 40 companies, which is documented in annual and sustainability reports. This report is published yearly. German Diversity […]
