VET Training Programme

VET Training Programme

A diverse, inclusive and equal place of work contributes to the development of essential competencies required in the XXI century workplace. Therefore, diversity programmes have become more and more part of professional continuous development.

The DIVERSITe in-service training comprises 36 hours of learning specifically designed for VET professionals. It consists of 3 modules, each with a duration of 12 hours – 7 hours of face-to-face and 5 hours of self-directed learning per module. The three modules aim to create more understanding and insight on the topic of diversity and how it can be approached by VET trainers in their professional practices. The DIVERSITe training programme can also be used by inhouse trainers delivering diversity management sessions in the organisations they work for.

Thus, the modules serve as guiding and supporting resources in the process of integrating the values, principles and practices of diversity into learning and professional contexts. Each module is provided with its learning outcomes, videos and articles for exploration and final activities.

Module 1

Introduction to Diversity Management– this module presents and unpacks diversity management in businesses, for VET professionals.

Module 2

Introduction to Micro-learning and Challenge-based Learning for Businesses – this module supports VET professionals to engage with, and develop their own, micro and challenge-based learning resources.

Module 3

 Introduction to Digital Tools and Platforms – this module supports VET professionals to use open-source digital platforms in their teaching practice, and to use and pilot the resources for employers and for employees in their training offer to local businesses and employees engaged in continuing VET programmes they offer.

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Project Number: 2022-1-AT01-KA220-VET-000085812
